The Little Athletics Victoria Awards will celebrate the achievements of its leading Centres and individuals.

The Awards will be bestowed at the annual Gala Awards Dinner.


Centre Membership Award

Centres with the best member retention will be recognised and rewarded. Centres will be judged for this award against other Centres of approximately similar scale.

Smaller CentresLarger Centres

Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal Largest Centre Donation Award

Awarded to the Centre for the most funds raised for the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal.

Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal Largest Centre Donation Per Capita Award

Awarded to the Centre that has raised the most money on a per-member basis for the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal.

State Championships Award

Awarded to the best performing Centres at the Little Athletics Victoria State Championship series, on a per-member basis.


The awards listed below are based on submissions by those within the Little Athletics community. Once the forms become available, they can be found in the table at the bottom of the page.

Centre Inclusion Award

The Centre Inclusion Award recognises Centres that have created a program,project or campaign, or implemented a plan which has demonstrably improved the level of inclusion and engagement with children at disadvantage:

  • With disability;
  • From a non-English speaking background;
  • From an indigenous background;
  • From a financially disadvantaged background.

Centre Marketing Award

The Centre Marketing Award recognises centres that have implemented an innovative marketing program, project or campaign, plan or activities that have demonstrably elevated the profile of their Centre within their community, generated new memberships and maximised member retention.

Centre Volunteer of the Year Award

The Centre Volunteer of the Year Award recognises volunteers (this could include administrators, officials, ground announcers, canteen managers, equipment stewards, results recorder etc.) that have given their Centre exemplary service throughout the season.

State Coach of the Year Award

Coaching remains a vibrant part of Little Athletics and the time and effort that our coaches dedicate to the sport should be recognised and rewarded.

The State Coach of the Year award is specific to coaching contribution at State level.

State Official of the Year Award

Officiating remains an essential part of Little Athletics and the time and effort that our officials dedicate to the sport should be recognised and rewarded.

The State Official of the Year award aims to recognise and encourage the special qualities of officials at State and/or Region level.

Bryan Neighbour Centre Coach Award

Coaching remains a vibrant part of Little Athletics and the time and effort that our coaches dedicate to the sport should be recognised and rewarded.

The Bryan Neighbour Centre Coach Award aims to recognise and encourage the special qualities of coaches in junior sport and the immense impact they have on the development of our athletes.

Centre Official of the Year Award

Officiating remains an essential part of Little Athletics and the time and effort that our officials dedicate to the sport should be recognised and rewarded.

The Centre Official of the Year award aims to recognise and encourage the special qualities of officials at Centre level.

Emerging Coach of the Year Award

Coaching remains a vibrant part of Little Athletics and the time and effort that our coaches dedicate to the sport should be recognised and rewarded.

The Emerging Coach of the Year award is specific to coaching contribution for relatively new coaches (up to 5 years’ experience) for coaching contribution at a State and/or Centre level.

Emerging Official of the Year Award

Officiating remains an essential part of Little Athletics and the time and effort that our officials dedicate to the sport should be recognised and rewarded.

The Emerging Official of the Year Award aims to recognise and encourage the special qualities of new officials (up to 5 years’ experience) for officiating at a State and/or Centre level.


Award Closing Date Link
Centre Inclusion Award 27th June 2024 (12:00 pm)
Centre Marketing Award 27th June 2024 (12:00 pm)
Centre Volunteer of the Year Award 27th June 2024 (12:00 pm)
State Coach of the Year Award 27th June 2024 (12:00 pm)
State Official of the Year Award 27th June 2024 (12:00 pm)
Bryan Neighbour Centre Coach Award 27th June 2024 (12:00 pm)
Centre Official of the Year Award 27th June 2024 (12:00 pm)
Emerging Coach of the Year Award 27th June 2024 (12:00 pm)
Emerging Official of the Year Award 27th June 2024 (12:00 pm)

Need Assistance?

If members are unable to complete a nomination form online via SurveyMonkey, please contact the LAVic office to receive a Word document file of the nomination form.

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