Returning Member

Returning Member2024-09-02T18:09:04+10:00

It’s great to have you back!

We’re glad to see you are interested in getting back involved in Little Athletics for another season. Little Athletics strives to provide an environment where children are encouraged to be their best. We are a sport that promotes family fun and fitness and provide opportunities for children of all abilities.

Members who are looking to return to Little Athletics for another season need to wait for their registration renewal to be sent which will confirm their Centre is ready to take registrations.

New Registration System – As previously communicated Little Athletics Victoria have moved across to a new registration platform with Gameday. All families looking to register will be required to create a Gameday profile, this will include a family email address and contact name with phone number. This is not the same as your previous username / password combination). This profile will become the main account who will be responsible for registering the athletes for membership, events, clinics and more. Once your profile has been created you will then be required to add specific details relating to each member. Payment is required at the time of registering. 

Note: If you are registered with Gameday for another sport, on creating an email account if the system already identifies you have an account, please use the forgot password prompt and then attempt to login.

Important: When you first create your family profile, unlike previous seasons, you will not see family links as these will be built during your 24-25 registration, you will see them the next time you register for an event. Once members become financial the system will match their new season registration and previous history together in the system (provided the name, email and DOB are a match).


Members that are looking to change Centres for the upcoming season can simply complete a registration with the new Centre they intend to be a member with (this can only be done once the new Centre’s registration portal has opened).

Once the member/s become financial at the new Centre the Gameday system will then link the previous history of the old and new Centre (provided the name and date of birth is an exact match) into one member profile.

Important: In season 2024-2025, A Change of Centre application is only required if the registration has been paid since September 1st 2024 in the new Gameday platform.

Change Centre 


How do I reset my password for my account?2024-09-02T18:12:38+10:00

If you need to reset your password for your GameDay admin access, click here and click ‘Forgot?’ next to the password field. If you need to reset your password for a registration form, click ‘Forgot?’ next to the password field on the relevant registration form.

Can I use the same email address for my admin access as well as for my account when registering?2024-09-02T18:14:47+10:00

Yes, you will just need to ensure you have been granted access to the relevant organisation as an administrator using the same email as your GameDay account (and vice versa). If you have admin access already, you will need to go into the registration form and create an account using the same email address. If you have an account for the registration form already, you will need to contact someone from your club who can grant you admin access to GameDay.

After registering, why has a $1.00 transaction been deducted from my account?2024-09-02T18:15:11+10:00

Our payment gateway may verify a new credit card by processing a $1 authorisation and then automatically voiding it. For most processors, transactions are initially tried with a $0 authorisation. If $0 authorisations are not supported, a $1 authorisation will be performed automatically. In any instance where a $1.00 authorisation returns a successful result, we immediately follow up with an automatic void request to ensure that the transaction does not settle and that it disappears from the cardholder’s statement as soon as possible.

Note: Some banks don’t recognise void requests immediately. It’s possible that after the void is issued, your customer will still see the pending charge. If this happens, have your customer call their bank; the bank should be able to see the void request and update your customer’s bank statement accordingly.

What happens if a registrant submits their registration, but closes the form before paying?2024-09-02T18:16:35+10:00

If a registrant selects a product and reaches the payment processing screen of your registration form (including Membership, Event and Team forms), but does not complete their payment, an unpaid Order will be created in your GameDay database, and the registrant will receive two reminder notification by email – one 1 hour after the order was created, and another 72 hours after the order was created – prompting them to complete payment for the unpaid order they added to their cart.

How do I register multiple people?2024-09-04T10:31:29+10:00

With GameDay’s registration platform, registrants can choose to register multiple members in one registration and group each member within their own GameDay account, which can be accessed again for subsequent registrations or season renewals.

To view the how to guide and video resource visit – How do I register multiple people? | GameDay Help (

How do I create a GameDay account?2024-09-04T17:18:57+10:00

Step 1: Open the Registration Form and Sign Up

Open the link to the registration form you received from your Centre or Club. On the front page of the form, click SIGN UP.

Step 2: Enter your account information

Complete all the relevant information, including your name, email address and secure password, then click SIGN UP.

Step 3: Verify your account

You will then see a screen that asks you to check your email account for a confirmation email to verify your account.

Note: Please ensure you verify your account before continuing through the registration form, otherwise your account will not be created. Email verification links expire within 24 hours.

You will then receive an email to confirm your account. Please be sure to check your spam/junk folders as emails can appear there. Once your account has been confirmed, a confirmation screen will appear.

Your account has now been created, and you can log in and register yourself and your children through the registration form.

To view the video resource visit – How do I create a GameDay account? | GameDay Help (

How do I register myself to a Centre / Club?2024-09-05T14:50:06+10:00

Step 1: Open the Centre or Club’s registration form and create a GameDay account

Open the Centre’s or Clubs registration form. Use the SIGN UP button to create an account.

Step 2: Login to the Registration Form

Once you have created an account, you will be able to login and access the registration form. On the first page, select the NEW PARTICIPANT option, then click NEXT.

Step 3: Enter your Basic Information

Complete the questions on the Basic Info page. This may include your name, date of birth, gender and/or member type.

Step 4: Select at least one Product

Select the Product(s) you would like to purchase. These are fees applicable to your registration as defined by LAVic and your Centre to whom you are registering.

The Centre / Club may have also made Add-on Products available for you to purchase on the next page.

Step 5: Fill in any other questions

Complete any custom questions on the Questions page.

Step 6: Complete your Payment

Confirm that your information is correct, then select a payment method and click PROCEED TO PAYMENT. Confirm your payment method, enter your payment details, then click PAY NOW. You will then receive a confirmation email and payment receipt once registration is successful.

To view the video resource visit – How do I register myself to an organisation? | GameDay Help (

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Little Athletics Victoria

Little Athletics Victoria


Managing all membership enquiries

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