In partnership with Sport & Recreation Victoria, Little Athletics Victoria is excited to announce the introduction of the Women in Coach Education program. Funded through the ‘Together More Active Program’ this grant was issued for the purpose of training and upskilling female coaches.

The Women in Coach Education program will offer 40 women subsidised entry into the Level 1 Community Athletics Coach course, delivered as part of the nationally recognised Accredited Athletics Coach Framework. Working collaboratively with Athletics Victoria, successful applicants will gain access to the Level 1 CAC course (Priced at $262.50) for the cost of $20 plus processing fee, while also receiving complimentary access to Athletics Australia’s women’s leadership education modules including:

  • Overview of Coaching Female Athletes
  • Body Image for Athlete Health
  • Bone Health
  • Breast Health
  • Contraception for Athletes
  • Pelvic Health
  • Puberty and Development
  • The Menstrual Cycle for Athletes


The Level 1 Community Athletics Coach course instructs coaches on how to follow the Teaching Games for Understanding model and introduces the most critical components of developing physical literacy in beginner athletes, thus preparing them for future track and field success. More information on this course can be found on the Athletics Victoria and Athletics Australia websites.

Level 1 Community Athletics Coach courses may be delivered either online, or in a blended online/face-to-face model. A list of upcoming level one courses to be delivered by Athletics Victoria can be found HERE.


Centres can nominate individuals via email to, detailing the nominees name, date of birth, contact phone and email, and a short paragraph describing why the participant would be a good addition to the program (Min. age 15 at time of application). Centres are welcome to nominate more than one participant, however more than one admission per Centre will be subject to available places following close.

Should interest be high in a particular area, we encourage Regions to contact LAVic to discuss the potential for holding a face-to-face education course in their area.

Applications will be issued on a first come, first served basis until allocated (Please note, excess nominations from any one Centre may not be accepted. Little Athletics Victoria reserves the right to adjust the parameters for course acceptance.

Please note: Nominations must be made by Centres. Individuals cannot apply, nor can they make nominations to this program.


Successful applicants will be provided with instructions to enrol in the Level 1 Community Athletics Coach course of their choice, and a single-use discount code to enable the subsidised price. Parameters will be communicated directly to the successful individual.


Little Athletics Victoria also have a very limited number of places available for women wishing to further their education in the Level 2 Club Coach course (Please note that successful completion of the Level 1 Community Athletics Coach course is a prerequisite for entry). If Centres would like to discuss an opportunity for an individual at Level 2, please contact Nathan McConchie.

For any enquiries regarding this program, please contact Nathan McConchie (

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