2021 Commonwealth Bank State Track and Field Championships
The 2021 Commonwealth Bank State Track and Field Championships will be held at Lakeside Stadium on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th March.
Date: 13th – 14th March 2021
Location: Lakeside Stadium, Albert Park
Age Groups: U9 – U16 Athletes
Entry Requirements
Athletes must qualify through the 2021 Region Track and Field Carnivals.
Athletes who have a clash with the Athletics Victoria or Athletics ACT State Championships can also qualify.
Athlete Event Scratching
Athletes wishing to scratch from an event at the 2021 Commonwealth Bank State Track and Field Championships need to do so through the portal linked below. State Championships scratchings close at 9 am on Tuesday 9th March 2021.
Conditions of Entry – Attendees
This event is being conducted under the Victorian Government – Public Events Framework – Tier 2 Permit. We have a cap on the number of attendees, that can be inside the venue at any time throughout the 2 days, which is not sufficient to allow total attendance for the entire duration of the day. The cap is 2500 attendees inside the venue at any one time.
To achieve this cap, we will be implementing the following conditions of entry.
– No spectators – including Grandparents, Relatives, Friends, Private Coaches.
– Both parents can attend, including siblings.
– Only Centre approved volunteers will be allowed to attend, their attendance must be approved by LAVic, via an online registration portal. This portal will open today and close on Thursday 12th March at 11.59 am (midday). Details will be supplied in a separate memo. Their names will be on the entry list at the gates.
– All attendees will be required to scan in via the QR code, a count of those arriving and leaving will be kept by officials at the gates.
– Athletes are asked not to arrive any earlier than 90mins before their event.
– Athletes will be asked to Compete and then leave the venue immediately after they have finished unless they have a presentation to attend, or the parent has a Centre Duty to perform.
– Athletes cannot stay and watch their other Centre athletes or friends.
– Athletes that have other events during the day that is spaced out by several hours, will be asked to leave the venue and then return closer to their next event.
– If the cap is reached and athletes are outside the venue, the program will stop and announcements will be made to ask people to leave immediately, to allow those athletes to enter the venue.
We will be encouraging the Centres to organise the Centre Duties, as close to possible to the athletes competing to facilitate the Get In, Compete, Get Out approach.
While the above conditions of entry are not ideal, unfortunately, these are the conditions that we must operate under. We will be working hard to ensure everyone has the same opportunity to compete at State.
Competition Rules and Regulations
Click here to view the Competition Rules and Regulations.
Live Stream
The entire event will be broadcast live on our Facebook, Twitch, Twitter and YouTube pages.
Event T-Shirt
The State t-shirt will not be available at the Championships.
A commemorative State event t-shirt will be available for online purchase in the days leading up to and after the event (open for 1 week). In order to comply with COVID-19 protocols, they will be manufactured and distributed by mail after the Championship event. Further details coming soon.
Cost: $29 (+ Postage)
Orders Due: Sunday 21st March 2021 at 9:00 pm
The price for 2021 Commonwealth Bank State Track and Field Championship t-shirts has been set to accommodate the applicable postage fees – for this COVID impacted season only! 2022 will see all Championship t-shirts return to their pre-COVID pricing structure, provided collection at events is again permitted.
Merchandise at the Championships
There will be no merchandise sold at the Championships. Our Online Shop remains open and orders can be placed at any stage. Orders are delivered and don’t have the option to be picked up at the event.