2023/24 Winter Track and Field Meets
The LAVic Winter Track and Field Meets are some trial events for Under 9 to Under 17 athletes to see if there is interest in Winter Track and Field Competition. For the first year, each meet is a stand-alone event but if there is sufficient interest, then it is likely to be expanded in the second year with additional opportunities for competition and possibly a state final.
“Non-standard” events have been selected to make these meets a little different to the “regular” competition that athletes participate in. These events are also trials and feedback will be sought after this season so they can be reviewed and modified if necessary for future seasons.
The Track and Field Meets will be conducted as a form of Combined Event. Athletes that enter will compete in 5 events (4 for Multi-Class). There will be no awards for the individual events but there will be awards for the top 3 athletes in each age group/gender across the 5 events (4 for Multi- Class) similar to how Combined Event awards are done.
Entry Fee: $30 per athlete ($24 for Multi-Class) plus processing fee for each meet.
Date: Various (see table below)
Location: Various (see table below)
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Age Groups: U9 – U17 Athletes
Round 2 Registrations Close: Meet 1 Cranbourne – 11am, Monday 15th July – CLOSED
Meet 2 Whittlesea City – 11am, Thursday 25th July – CLOSED
Meet 3 Williamstown – 11am, Thursday 8th August – CLOSED
Locations & Dates
Meet 1 – Sunday 21st July – Casey Fields, Cranbourne (Google Maps)
Meet 2 – Sunday 4th August – Meadowglen International Athletics Stadium, Epping (Google Maps)
Meet 3 – Sunday 18th August – Newport Park Athletics Track, Newport (Google Maps)
Eligibility & Entry Requirements
All 2023/24 financial registered competitive LAVic members from the Under 9 to Under 17 age groups are eligible to enter.
Maximum numbers per age group
U09 – U15: 24 Boys & 24 Girls (each age group)
U16 – U17: 12 Boys & 12 Girls (each age group)
Multi-Class – 8 athletes total (regardless of age group / gender)
Competition Rules and Regulations
Click here to view the Competition Rules and Regulations.