Trial Athlete Offer

Trial Athlete Offer2024-07-02T14:20:09+10:00

Registering for a new sport can be a big commitment and we want to make sure you are comfortable before paying a seasons registration fee.

Children who haven’t been a member of a Little Athletics Centre previously are invited to trial 2 competition days of Little Athletics – free of charge – before committing to full membership. This gives everyone involved a good understanding of what Little Athletics is and how the weekly events operate.

Before participating in a trial, there are a few things you will need to do and some other things we recommend doing.


Before participating in a trial, you will need to complete several tasks to ensure you are prepared. You first need to determine your nearest Centre and if you have several Centres nearby, which one you would think you would like to join. Determining factors of which Centre you join can come down to which days they operate their Little Athletics day, what track surface they have and whether you have any family or friends at a Centre. This is completely your choice.

You will also need to determine which age group your child(ren) will be in. Our age calculator will help you determine which age your child(ren) belong to. You will be asked to provide the age groups during the online registration process and will be alerted if the date of birth entered doesn’t match the age group selection.


Before participating in a trial, we ask that:

a) Read the trial athlete policy below.

b) Complete an online application which can be accessed by clicking the ‘Option A: Trial Athlete Offer’ button below. Upon completion, you will receive an email with further information including a Trial Athlete Patch which should be printed and taken along to your Centre.


If you have completed your trial and wish to register as a competitive member, please select the ‘Option B – Register Online’ button.

IMPORTANT: Refunds are not available once the process of Option B has been completed.

PLEASE NOTE: Winter Season (Cross-Country) registrations close Sunday, 14th July 2024. Summer season (Track and Field) registrations for new trial and registrations will open late August 2024. You can express your interest in season 2024-25 below.


When will the new Track and Field Season open?2024-04-10T12:23:25+10:00

The Summer Track & Field season operates between the months of September to March will normally include one Little Athletics day per week at your Centre. Most Centres have a few weeks off over the Christmas and New Years period. Centres publish their own season calendars.

In most cases, athletes will participate in four or five events on any given Little Athletics day which include; running, jumping, throwing, and walking events. Your Centre will have a program of events published so you will know what events are going to be on each week.

To submit an expression of interest for the Summer Track and Field season, please visit our New and Potential Members portal.

What is Cross-Country?2024-04-08T16:16:15+10:00

The Winter Cross-Country program takes place between April and August where athletes participate in Cross-Country running on a weekly basis.

Any Little Athletics Victoria registration (insurance) paid since 1 August 2023 will cover you until 31st August 2024. Additional fees ‘may’ apply with your Centre or Cross-Country group to accommodate the winter program. Please contact your Centre for more information.

Athletes still represent their registered Centre they were with in during the Summer Track & Field program, however, unlike the summer program, and in some cases nearby Centres can participate together sometimes in different locations, if numbers permit the Centre may run their own Cross-Country program.

On any given Cross-Country day, athletes will participate in one event only. The distance of the event the athlete participates in is the same in any Cross-Country program across Victoria.

A Cross-Country day is shorter in duration due to fewer athletes participating and only one event per athlete. A Cross-Country day also only involves a single event being run at any one time. These programs are determined by the Cross-Country group your Centre is involved with.

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