In a disappointing development, City of Casey has now advised LAVic that the current works at Casey Fields Regional Athletics Centre will now not be completed until 22nd March. This has required LAVic to source a suitable alternate venue and relocate the State Track and Field Championships.
Accordingly, the State Track & Field Championships will now be held at the Knox Park Athletics Centre (Bunjil Way, Knoxfield) on 9th and 10th March (no change of date). For this, we are enormously indebted to the Knox Little Athletics community, the Knox Park committee of management and Knox City Council for enabling our event to proceed.
LAVic has endeavoured to keep the event relatively close to the original venue for the benefit of those who may have booked accommodation. The Knox track was scheduled for replacement from 4th March but due to the delays at Casey Fields, the start date for the Knox track has been delayed (the same Contractor is doing both Knox and Casey Fields).
Whilst the track at Knox is due for replacement and is showing it’s age, it has been inspected to ensure that it is safe for this event.
LAVic sincerely apologises for any inconvenience caused by this late change of venue.